Spreading the Word
Some relevant publications and campaigns
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Joy in Enough is a campaign encouraging Christians and all people to work for a fair and sustainable economy. Visit the website for inspiration, discussion, and resources to use in your church.
2015 book by CASCaid's founder Ruth Grayson reflects on the purpose of Advent and contains practical suggestions to ease the pressure before 25 December. A great pre-Christmas gift for all Christians concerned about the commercialisation of the festive season.
Consumer champion and super-saver, Martin Lewis has some interesting (and some familiar) points to make about Christmas presents.
Cutting back didn't dent the Christmas spirit, with those who spent less having a better time than those who spent more, according to a MoneySavingExpert.com poll.
Fascinating article from The Daily Telegraph website which statistically proves what we already suspect...
Blogger Jim Wallis writes: 'Let's all decide to tithe a percentage of all that we give in Christmas presents directly to the poor'
Christmas Starts with Christ is a campaign aimed at helping churches to make Christ and the amazing story of his birth the focus of the nation’s favourite time of year.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has urged Christmas shoppers to give money to Britain’s expanding network of food banks rather than splash out on expensive presents.
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