Send a Black Friday
E-Card Greeting!
If you like the ideas on this website, why not share them with
your friends?
You can download any of these cards for free (maybe making an extra
donation to your favourite charity), and attach it to your own email message to people on your Christmas card list. You can also get ahead of the game by sending some unusual and thought -provoking cards on or around Black Friday to put a new perspective on Christmas giving.
Unlike other e-cards, all these cards can also be printed out by both sender and recipient...although that isn't so good for the environment! Please note that all the designs are copyrighted and are not for publication. They all seek to convey the Christmas message of 'bringing good news to the poor' in a new and different way.
To download an e-card, left click anywhere on the image and save the PDF, or right click and select the 'Save Link As...' option. We recommend that once you've downloaded the selected card(s) and saved the PDF(s), you should rename the file so that you can find and retrieve it easily.